Norton commander for windows 10
Norton commander for windows 10

norton commander for windows 10

By default, mc prompts you to copy (or move) your active selection from its current location to the location shown in the non-active panel. To copy or move a file, select it from the file list and press the F5 key.

norton commander for windows 10

From the menu that appears, select Do something on the current file (or just press and type in the command you want to run. Should you need to open a file in something other than its default application or to run a specific command on your selection, press F2. Now when you press F4 to edit a text file, mc uses your EDITOR or VISUAL settings are used. Press the OK button to save your changes. In the Configuration panel, disable the Use internal edit option.

norton commander for windows 10

Your terminal is now the Midnight Commander interface by default, it lists the contents of your current directory. Note that it's Ctrl and the letter "o" not the digit "zero."

  • Ctrl+O: Toggle between mc and a full terminal.
  • Unlike GNU Nano, each function is assigned to a Function key ( F1 to F10.)
  • Function keys: Like GNU Nano, all the most important functions are listed at the bottom of your terminal window.
  • Arrows: Use Up and Down to select, Left to go back, and Right to change to the selected directory.
  • Here's all you need to know to get started: If you try it for a while, you may wonder why this isn't the default configuration of every file manager (especially considering how much wasted horizontal space there often is in the typical file listing). Most file management tasks involve a source location and a destination, so it makes sense that your file manager has a persistent view of one location where your files are now and another location where you want your files to be.
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  • Norton commander for windows 10