Privazer is still the most “logic” cleaner I have found and I can see what it is doing! Again. I removed it again after 10 minutes -I just do not “trust” it to make a true statement at the end of the scan.Price in Dollars: what dollars? I am in Australia -if it is US dollars then it nearly twice the price –but which company ever bothers to make clear what currency you pay in> and for that matter_ WHERE THEY ARE. I found also that the machine slows when it is installed. I cleaned with PRIVAZER–yet it found many files to delete –why and what ? I have just to believe it! I tried again today: Thousands of files>but is it true? 3% defragged-I defragged today.

I have tried advanced system care several times:they offer a key for a once clean up –but it does not clean all –only some –unless you buy. You can directly visit the Toolbox tab from here.

With Startup Optimizer, you can manage your Startup Items, Services, Scheduled Tasks, and Browser Startups.